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Coconut Biscuits with Zucchi Grapeseed Oil

22-24 biscuits



(cooking time)


(total time)



White Spelt Flour
140 g
Grated Coconut
150 g
Maple Syrup
90 g
70 g
75% Pure Dark Chocolate
70 g
Baking Powder
1/2 teaspoon
Powdered Vanilla
1/3 teaspoon
Himalayan Pink Salt
a pinch


Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Mix the spelt flour, coconut, baking powder, vanilla and salt together in a bowl. Add the oil and the maple syrup and mix to form a sticky dough. Divide the dough into 22/24 balls and squash them with the palm of your hand to form oval biscuits.

Arrange the biscuits on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper and bake for about 12/13 minutes. Don’t worry if they seem pale and still soft; they will firm up once they are out of the oven. Remove from the oven and leave to cool completely. When the biscuits are completely cold, melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and dip the biscuits half in it or decorate them with the aid of a teaspoon. Leave the chocolate to set again before storing in a tin.

LO CHEF: Naturalmente buono

Mimma and Marta, mother and daughter, both in love with cooking. A passion – they have been online since 2013 with a blog of the recipes written down on scraps of paper all over the house – then increasingly a real business, in which they became the partners, through to their first book, “Naturalmente Buono”, published by Eifis in 2017. Their idea of the ideal cuisine? Health, genuine, natural food, with a focus on the origin and quality of the raw materials.