24 February 2016
The Mediterranean diet, and its multiple benefits, are an ally for the health and wellbeing of consumers, starting with the table. Cereals, vegetables, extra virgin olive oil, fish and fruit are just some of the foods recommended by this type of diet to give the organism most of the substances that are vital for it to perform its functions normally.
Global excellence
The importance of the Mediterranean diet has also been endorsed by Unesco, which has put it on the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
But what is meant exactly by ‘Mediterranean diet’?
We should first of all point out that in this case ‘diet’ does not refermerely to the set of food sand ingredients that a human being eats to live or to a specific medical prescription with therapeutic aims.
The meaning is much wider and encompasses nuances of the word ‘diet’ that are nearer the way it was conceived in the ancient medicinal tradition of Greece. The Mediterranean diet is thus a system of ‘life rules or good habits aim to ensure that a person enjoys optimum health. Diet defined as an integral and decisive part of a healthy and balanced life style that is influenced by the culture of a place, the knowledge and competencies of its people and ancient traditions and practices.
The adjective Mediterranean gives this type of diet a geographical location that is a genuine heritage that was born and developed in the countries bordering on the Mediterranean Sea like Italy, Greece, Spain and Morocco.
In addition to ‘cultural’ excellence, the Mediterranean diet has nutritional properties that are very beneficial for the health of the organism.
Here is a complete summary of the recommended foodstuffs.
- In the Mediterranean diet a lot of cereals and cereal products and seasonal fruit and vegetables are consumed.
- There is always a good amount of pulses and fish where as foods that contain saturated fats, cholesterol and animal proteins such as cheese, meat and eggs are limited.
- The secret is striking the right balance between foods so that there is a variation between foods that are rich in fibre, antioxidant substances, vitamins and unsaturated fats.
- The condiment par excellence of the Mediterranean diet is extra virgin olive oil.
- Sugars and foodstuffs like butter and coffee are reduced drastically.
- In the Mediterranean diet red wine and infusions are recommended.
- The foods recommended by the Mediterranean diet are rich in vitamins and have an antioxidant effect that helps prevent serious diseases such as cancer.
- Adopting a Mediterranean diet enables the right balance to be maintained between the quantity of calories in the foods and individual energy requirements, keeping the metabolism in equilibrium and consequently body weight.
- The contribution of good fats like those from fish, omega 3 and 6, unsaturated fats and fats of vegetable origin and of lecithin and phytosterol also helps to combat the increase of triglycerides in the blood and to lower the cholesterol, with advantages for the cardiovascular system. In this manner it is also possible to reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
- The Mediterranean diet also makes people live longer and provides tissues with long-term protection against deterioration. Specifically, certain studies have shown that telomers, that is the elements that help to protect the chromosomes and their structure, are reinforced with benefits for the entire DNA.
- The nutritional substances contained in particular in olive oil have outstanding antioxidant effects and in particular help prevent diseases of the nervous system like Alzheimer’s.
- Obtaining most of one’s proteins from vegetables helps the liver and kidneys and improves the process of eliminating toxins and substances that are harmful for the organism.
- This diet recommends fruit and carbohydrates. This healthy balance of food keeps sugar levels stable and limits the many complaints caused by diabetes.