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Award-winning special oils, judged by experts.

14 October 2015
The Global Competence in Food – Italian Awards recognize innovation in Italian food production. The winners, from among 173 candidate products, were selected on the basis of variety, method of consumption, packaging, as well as communication, care of the environment and the creation of new sales channels. The panel of Italian and German experts chose Zucchi as the winner in the “Oil&Vinegar” category for its line of special oils, products which stand out because of their beneficial properties, such as avocado oil, ideal used raw as a dressing or to prepare sauces; grape seed oil, obtained from small grape seeds and excellent for fish marinades or as a dressing; sesame seed oil, which can be used to prepare stir fried vegetables or to accompany ethnic dishes, and pumpkin seed oil, for those who want to experiment with new flavours in their soups and risottos. A further recognition to make the whole Zucchi team proud.