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Oleificio Zucchi brings its Blending Experiences to Olio Officina Food Festival 2018

31 January 2018
Promoting a genuine appreciation of oil and encouraging healthy eating by raising awareness of  Condiments for the palate and the brain”. No event based on this philosophy would be complete without Oleificio Zucchi, which will be a leading participant at Olio Officina Food Festival 2018, to be held for the seventh time from Thursday 1 to Saturday 3 February at Palazzo delle Stelline (corso Magenta 61, Milan). Perfectly in line with this edition’s main theme, “I am a tree”, at the Festival Oleificio Zucchi will be focusing on its sustainability project, which runs from field to table  by combining protection of the environment and people with wellness. And it will be doing so starting from the Congress on the role of retail chains in the promotion of olive oils, at which Giovanni Zucchi, Deputy Chairman of Oleificio Zucchi, will be speaking, to launch a dialogue between oil producers and retail chains on the future of distribution and supply chain systems. On the other hand, anyone wishing to try the art of making oil the Oleificio Zucchi way will be able to take part in the Blending Experience events to be held on Friday 2 and Saturday 3 February, at 10 am and 2 pm in the Zucchi Room (San Carlo Borromeo). They will be immersed in a unique, interactive experience under the guidance of the Oleificio Zucchi Blendmasters, following a richly sensory path to discover the characteristics of olive oil and create their own, personal blends of different cultivars. The event is free but booking is required and places are limited. For info and bookings: