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Oleificio Zucchi brings sustainable extra virgin olive oil to ANUGA

2 October 2017
To tell people about the passion and innovation of a sustainable sector like the art of making olive oil, the fruit of Italian expertise and excellent raw materials. With this goal in mind, Oleificio Zucchi sets off to the 34th  edition of ANUGA, one of the most important international fairs in the food sector, which is held from October 7 to 11 in Cologne, Germany. Educating and disseminating the culture of sustainability will be the first step to introduce visitors and professionals to the first 100% Italian olive oil that Zucchi obtains from certified sustainable supply chain. A product with a unique flavor that that is made with complete transparency and can be traced through each stage, from the olive grove to the table, to be experienced personally also through interactive reading of the label. Thanks to the show-cooking of the Zucchi chefs, dedicated tastings and the special Oil Bar, visitors will be able to appreciate the taste of 100% Italian Sustainable Extra Virgin Olive Oil and many other types of Zucchi olive oils (from the classic European blends Sinfonia and Dolce Fruttato, to the aromatized extra-virgin olive oils and the regional protected designation of origin (PDO) or protected geographic indication (PGI) oils), and the classic line of seed oils, organic seeds like sesame, pumpkin, avocado and grape seeds and the new line of 100% Italian seeds oils.